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Hire BackboneJS Developer

Thoroughly Passionate & Skilled in their Field

Hourly Hiring

  • Best suited for small projects
  • Max. 8 Hrs/Day – 5 Days /Week
  • Billing: Daily

Part-Time Hiring

  • Best suited for big projects with flexible deadlines
  • 4 Hrs/Day – 5 Days/Week
  • Billing: Weekly/ Monthly

Full-Time Hiring

  • Best suited for big projects with strict deadlines
  • 8 Hrs/Day – 5 Days/Week
  • Billing: Monthly

Project Based

  • Works only for you till the end of project
  • 8 Hrs/Day – 5 Days/Week
  • Billing: Monthly

BackboneJS Developer

Backbone.js is a JavaScript library dependent on the model-view-controller application plan worldview. It is intended for creating single-page web applications, and for keeping different pieces of web applications synchronized.

When taking care of the DOM, Backbone.js embraces a basic programming style, interestingly, with a revelatory programming style. It is tried and upheld by a few task applications. Also, it could synchronize with the back-end without any problem. Assuming the API is planned appropriately, then, at that point, backbone.js could peruse, compose, and erase a few tasks without any problem.


At the point when the engineers need to foster a one-page Java application, they should utilize Backbone.js. Model View Framework in backbone.js helps more than organizing your Java script design. It saves the engineers from a few issues that you might look during application improvement. Backbone.js is utilized when there is a need to diminish HTTP requests to the server. Here is the list of services we provide in BackboneJS

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